residency  (2021)  featuring 5 pages, in which i coded to create a virtual exhibition. // view on desktop or laptop, video link at bottom of page to see a screen recording of the website.
My aim for this project is to try and convey different worlds without the aid of projections and sculptures, giving you a peak at the characters, and their world, a world that may at times make you feel uncomfortable or confused…
First you are drawn into colourful imagery, faced with a character full of colour, made out of soft, squidgy materials almost childlike in appearance. Even though the page appears fun and happy, is it? You will notice teeth on the tongue and a key dripping, delving into the idea of memories. Look further and images of childhood drawings appear.
clickity click click, to a spinning worm hole, taking you to another world…
With a fluffy cloud being, relating to storms … full of crackling energy, fall down the wormhole and see chaotic moving imagery, overbearing and destructive, multiple images and videos layered and confused …
clickity click click, to a reverse spinning worm hole, taking you back to where you began.